Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What's in a roof?

Here's a list of roofing terms to help you better understand the components of a roof system:

Dormer:  A vertical window set into and projecting from the slope of a pitched roof.

Ridge:  The top of the roof formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes.

Ridge Vent: Vent located on the ridge of a sloped roof to provide air exhaust.

Soffit: The underside area below the eave of a roof.

Soffit Vent: Vents located below the eaves to provide air intake.

Valley: Internal angle fromed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes.

Eave: The horizontal, lower edge of a sloped roof.

Gable/Rake Edge: The inclined, outside edge of a sloped roof plane.

Step Flashing: Base flashing application where 90* pieces of metal are installed where a roof plane meets a vertical surface.

Counter Flashing: Flashing metal attached to a vertical surface to prevent water from getting behind step flashing. Attached with reglets sawn into masonry joints when attached to masonry walls.

Cricket: A peaked saddle construction at the back of a chimney to deflect water around the chimney.

Pipe Collar: A flange placed over a vent pipe to seal roof around a roof penetration.

For more information check us out on the web at www.Roofwerks.com

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